Good as New Bike Service

Good as New Bike Service

Professional Bike Fitting

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Professional Bike Fit

At Inside-Out Sports, we understand the philosophy of aerodynamics and biomechanical functions of the body in order to maximize power, efficiency, and comfort. If you are looking to purchase a new bike or needing to make changes to your current set up, we can help. Our staff is fully qualified to fit you on Road, Triathlon and Mountain bike positions.

Making sure you get the right size bike is our main concern. We are not here just to sell bikes, but provide you with the knowledge and tools to make the right decisions to meet your goals. Our first step in this process is taking a proven method of measurements which provides a starting point of determining parameters which are acceptable for each individual. These measurements are critical to begin the fitting process and the fitting will conclude with a greater understanding of why your body fits the bike, not the bike fitting your body.

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